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Cataract Surgery

A cataract is a condition wherein the natural lens becomes cloudy and thus causes blurred vision. THE ONLY TREATMENT is – replacing this lens with a new lens that will last for a lifetime.

You need to make the following two decisions before undergoing cataract surgery.

  1. Technique of surgery :- MICS ( MICROINCISION CATARACT SURGERY ) , IN this the Surgeon makes very small incision for surgery by a surgical instrument ( size of which is much smaller than the conventional
  2.  Cataract surgery 


Whereas in Robotic cataract surgery or Femto cataract surgery, the incision is made using computer programming and advanced Femto laser technology. 

  1. Types of intraocular lens (IOL) – Selection of IOL depends upon your investigation reports , your visual needs and life style .You choose from the following IOL Types – 

A) Monofocal intraocular lens– ( Far vision clear, However for reading you will need glasses ) 

B) Multifocal intraocular lens – ( No glasses required for far as well as near vision ) 

C ) Symfony lenses – ( Advance version for multifocal lense ) 

The cost of surgery depends upon the type of IOL  used in surgery. 

We can finalize the lens once we do your check-up which we are offering you free of cost. 

We assure you the best of services by our super specialists who have experience of doing over one lakh successful cataract surgery.

How to Take an Appointment

Call us. we will book your appointment with the best doctors at the nearest eye hospital/eye clinic for the best results.

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In an eye checkup, what doctors are identified for cataract Surgery?

Diagnosis for cataract
doctors need to check your Medical history and symptoms and perform an eye examination.

  1. Visual acuity test. you need to read out the eye test chart according to your reading doctors able to understand your vision.
  2. Slit-lamp examination: at slit lamp your eye test to illuminate your cornea, iris, lens, and the space between your iris and cornea.
  3. Retinal exam: for this test need to put some eye drop to T plus and T Plane drops for open your pupils wide (dilate). to makes easier to examine your eyes back (retina).
    Using a slit lamp or a special device called an ophthalmoscope, your eye doctor can examine your lens for signs of a cataract.
  4. Applanation Tonometry: This test measures fluid pressure in your eye. There are multiple different devices available to do this.